Category: DZone Security Zone

What Is a JWT Token?

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.…

Security — What if We All Speak to Each Other?

There are many books and articles on how a project must be led. In the Agile Zone, you’ll find many articles related to how to handle projects, organization, teams, products, etc. But, there is a subject that is often poorly…

Generating a Trusted SSL Certificate (Node Example)

An SSL Certificate is a file that helps browsers recognize that a domain name belongs to a server owner (as well as it’s information like name, location, company, etc).  So, if you host your website without certificates, browsers will show…

Publication Release: DevSecOps Trend Report

For years, security has been an afterthought — functionality that developers and product managers often address at the last minute, right before a build is about to ship. For some individuals and teams, this practice stems from a reactive approach…

ISP Selling Data: Why You Should Actually Care

Unbeknownst to you, there’s a good possibility that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) regularly sells your data to boost their profits.  Since the US Congress voted to roll back the FCC protections against the practice, American ISPs now have the…

How Security Keeps Up When Developers Drive Open-Source

Open source is transforming software development. No longer do individual businesses need to purchase or build everything they need in-house. Instead, they can rely on a modern, interdependent ecosystem in which developers work together on mutually beneficial projects. This way, a single…

Special Cases Are a Code Smell

LA Parking Sign A Warning Sign Los Angeles is famous for its complicated parking signs: They’re totems of rules and exceptions, and exceptions to the exceptions. Often, when we code, we forget a lesson that’s obvious in these preposterous signs: Humans…

ISP selling data: why you should actually care

Unbeknownst to you, there’s a good possibility that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) regularly sells your data to boost their profits.  Since the US Congress voted to roll back the FCC protections against the practice, American ISPs now have the…

Multi-tenancy authentication through Kong API Gateway

The API Gateway pattern implements a service that’s the entry point into a microservices-based application from external API clients or consumers. It is responsible for request routing, API composition, and other edge functions, such as authentication. When working with a microservices…

Top Secrets Management Tools Compared

As apps become more complex in the way they use microservices, managing API keys and other secrets becomes more challenging as well. Microservices running in containers need to transfer secrets to allow them to communicate with each other. Each of…

HTTP and Scalable Software Systems

If you think about the World Wide Web, it’s easy to imagine it as a single software system. Once you do, you realize it’s the largest software system the world has ever created — probably by hundreds of orders of…

Why Use Smart Contracts to Build Blockchain Applications?

One of the most crucial features of Blockchain Technology is its decentralized nature. This means that the information is shared by all the parties of the networks. Hence, it eliminates the need for middlemen or intermediaries to facilitate operations. This…

Top Free Security Testing Tools

Sometimes, considered as hard to automate, security testing lacks the resources and tools that assist in making it simple to learn. We have found many testers unaware of the free and open source security testing tools that are available to…