7 Crucial Questions About Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity

What Is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computers take advantage of the very nature of quantum physics to create an entirely new computing paradigm, unlike the traditional 0/1 gated computers we have been using since the 1960s. Instead, they run on quantum bits (known as qubits), which can superpose and entangle themselves in order to perform multiple processes simultaneously.

Quantum computing as we know it was greatly aided and inspired by a piece of mathematics named Shor’s Algorithm. Revealed by Peter Shor in 1994, Shor’s Algorithm provides a roadmap for using a quantum computer to aid in the factorization of prime numbers. The impact of this cannot be overstated, as both RSA and ECC cryptography depend on the difficulty of the factorization of random numbers to remain secure. Quantum computing reduces the time required to break these cryptographic schemes by a great many orders of magnitude, making it not only practical but inevitable that quantum computers will render both RSA and ECC unusable due to security concerns.