AI Use Linked to Decline in Critical Thinking Skills Among Students, Study Finds


A recent study has revealed a concerning link between the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and declining critical thinking abilities among students. The research, which analyzed responses from over 650 individuals aged 17 and older in the UK, found that young people who heavily relied on AI for memory and problem-solving tasks showed lower critical thinking skills. This phenomenon, known as cognitive offloading, suggests that outsourcing mental tasks to AI may hinder essential cognitive development. 

The study, titled AI Tools in Society: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking, was published in Societies and led by Michael Gerlich of SBS Swiss Business School. The findings indicated a strong correlation between high AI tool usage and lower critical thinking scores, with younger participants being more affected than their older counterparts. Gerlich emphasized the importance of educational interventions to help students engage critically with AI technologies and prevent the erosion of vital cognitive skills.
Participants in the study were divided into three age groups: 17-25, 26-45, and 46 and older, with diverse educational backgrounds. Data collection included a 23-item questionnaire to measure AI tool usage, cognitive offloading tendencies, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, semi-structured interviews provided further insights into participants’ experiences and concerns about AI reliance.

Many respondents expressed worry that their dependence on AI was influenci

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