My former “colleagues” have written several serious pieces of research about why a SOC without humans will never happen (“Predict 2025: There Will Never Be an Autonomous SOC”, “The “Autonomous SOC” Is A Pipe Dream”, “Stop Trying To Take Humans Out Of Security Operations”). But I wanted to write a funny companion to this called “How to Talk to Idiots Who Believe in ‘Humanless SOC’.” Here it is, but it is definitely a rant and not technical guidance, mind you.
I think most of us will encounter people who believe that a Security Operations Center (SOC) fully staffed by machines and with no humans anywhere will actually happen. Now, I think those people are delusional, but it is interesting to try to study those delusions. Try to psychoanalyze them, perhaps. Maybe this points to some suppressed childhood trauma, I dunno…
Years ago, I had an old and wise mentor who explained everything weird in the (human) universe by a unique (for each occurrence) blend of two forces: corruption and stupidity. Perhaps this can be applied here? Some may believe this out of ignorance (see more on this below) while others choose to believe it because their VC funding depends on it…
Anyhow, let’s look at the extreme fringe of a fringe. You may meet people who think that artificial intelligence today is so advanced that human presence inside the SOC is not necessary. Today! They actually think AI can already replace all humans in a SOC! Some of them even have a demo ready, powered by … ahem … “a demo-ready AI” that works — you guessed it! — in a demo. Sadly, it will never deliver even a tiny fraction of the promised benefits once confronted with a real-world, messy environments full of outdated systems, API-less data stores, tribal knowledge, junior IT people, and sprinkled with human incompetence…
Similarly, some people have never seen how a large enterprise functions, so
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