World Backup Day 2023: Five Essential Cyber Hygiene Tips

World Backup Day 2023: Five Essential Cyber Hygiene Tips
Thu, 03/30/2023 – 05:54

World Backup Day, celebrated each year on March 31st, is a day created to promote backing up data from your devices. First observed in 2011, the holiday stresses the importance of having extra copies of data in case of an attack or accident. Setting aside a day to encourage people to establish this habit gives us an opportunity to review basic cyber hygiene practices. So, get involved! Employing these tips will go a long way in bolstering your digital security and protecting against potential attacks.

1. Review Privacy Settings

Most of the apps on your devices have privacy settings of some sort, regarding what information the app is allowed to access or share. Reviewing these privacy settings every once in a while, is important to make sure you aren’t sharing any data that you don’t want to share. This can also include connected apps and programs, access permissions, and remembering your login information. Using the default settings or allowing permissions without thinking can lead to data being shared or stolen.

2. Update Software and Hardware

Keeping your apps and programs up to date is important, as is upgrading your devices when necessary. Old software versions may be missing protections, have exploitable flaws, or simply be inefficient. Outdated devices can have performance issues that may make them vulnerable in various ways, susceptible to cyberattacks and internal failure. Updating both software and hardware should be a consideration whenever you review your cyber hygiene.

3. Control Access

Ensuring password security is one of the easiest steps you can take to protect your data, devices, and accounts. Create complex passwords that cannot be easily guessed and are different for each account. Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) when possible is also recommended. A password manager is an effective way to keep track of many complex passwords.

Whether it means physically restricting who is allowed to use your devices, or using passwords or other measures t

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