Wi-Fi Eavesdropping: Risks and How to Stay Secure


Imagine finding out that a stranger has been eavesdropping on your private conversations or sensitive information shared with friends or professionals. Therfefore, in the digital realm, Wi-Fi eavesdropping poses a similar threat.
To safeguard your online privacy, it’s crucial to understand how Wi-Fi eavesdropping operates, its various forms, and the best preventive measures.
Wi-Fi eavesdropping attacks entail intercepting and monitoring wireless network traffic without proper authorization. Whenever you input a password, send a message, or engage in an online transaction via a public Wi-Fi network, data packets are transmitted through the airwaves. Unless adequately protected, these packets can be intercepted by individuals with proficient Wi-Fi eavesdropping skills.
Once a perpetrator gains access to your data, they can scrutinize it to unearth private messages, credit card details, contact information, and passwords.
Wi-Fi eavesdropping can be executed through various methods.

1. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: In a Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attack, assailants intercept data flowing between two points: from your device (point A) to a service or website (point B). Attackers often impersonate a trusted source, typically through

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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