Where Do the Most Ransomware Attacks Take Place in the United States?


Ransomware can be as disruptive to your day as a flood, earthquake, fire, or another natural disaster. It has the potential to devastate businesses, close hospitals, and close schools. And if you’re unlucky enough to be affected, it can completely devastate your finances. 
However, as with natural apocalyptic events, there are patterns in misfortune, and it is possible to draw patterns and identify high-risk areas. You can avoid disaster entirely with some forethought. 
What is Ransomware? 
Criminals are after your money, and draining your bank account is problematic. By encrypting vital files on compromised computers, criminals persuade victims to hand over their money voluntarily. Companies that are unable to perform business and are losing money every day, they are not functioning and will frequently pay criminals to decrypt their machines and enable them to continue trading. Criminals typically gain access to devices through either lax security processes or social engineering attacks.
Engaging in any criminal enterprise is a risky business, and cybercriminals prefer to target targets that will net them the most money while exposing them to the least amount of risk. It makes more sense to hit fewer large targets rather than many small ones. And

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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