What are Deepfakes and How to Spot Them


Artificial intelligence (AI)-generated fraudulent videos that can easily deceive average viewers have become commonplace as modern computers have enhanced their ability to simulate reality.

For example, modern cinema relies heavily on computer-generated sets, scenery, people, and even visual effects. These digital locations and props have replaced physical ones, and the scenes are almost indistinguishable from reality. Deepfakes, one of the most recent trends in computer imagery, are created by programming AI to make one person look like another in a recorded video. 

What is a deepfake? 

Deepfakes resemble digital magic tricks. They use computers to create fraudulent videos or audio that appear and sound authentic. It’s like filming a movie, but with real people doing things they’ve never done before. 

Deepfake technology relies on a complicated interaction of two fundamental algorithms: a generator and a discriminator. These algorithms collaborate within a fram

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