WebRTC Security Vulnerabilities You Should Know About

This article has been indexed from DZone Security Zone


Web Real-Time Communication or WebRTC is an open-source and free technology enabling real-time communication between web browsers through APIs. It allows video and audio communication inside the web pages by enabling peer-to-peer interaction while removing the need to download native apps or install plugins. It has a flexible underlying infrastructure and is supported by all major browsers such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Opera. 

This technology has been designed to standardize RTC across browsers, enabling the integration of interoperable media streaming VoIP web applications. The core use of this technology is web conferencing, direct data transfers, and real-time audio/video calls. Companies like Facebook, addLive, and Firefox Hello are using WebRTC in their products and services. Not only that but startup companies are also using WebRTC as core technology which clarifies that this tool can easily be used by anyone. 

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