Want to know what’s in a folder you don’t have a permission to access? Try asking your AV solution…, (Tue, Dec 29th)

Read the original article: Want to know what’s in a folder you don’t have a permission to access? Try asking your AV solution…, (Tue, Dec 29th)

Back in February, I wrote a diary about a small vulnerability in Windows, which allows users to brute-force names of files in folders, which they don&#x27t have permission to open/list[1]. While thinking on the topic, it occurred to me that a somewhat-complete list of files placed in a folder one can&#x27t access due to lack of permissions might potentially be obtained by scanning the folder with an anti-malware solution, which displays files which are currently being scanned.

Read the original article: Want to know what’s in a folder you don’t have a permission to access? Try asking your AV solution…, (Tue, Dec 29th)