VT Livehunt Cheat Sheet

Today we are happy to announce the release of our “Livehunt Cheat Sheet”, a guide to help you quickly implement monitoring rules in Livehunt. You can find the PDF version here.
VirusTotal Livehunt is a service that continuously scans all incoming indicators and notifies you when any of them matches your rules. Livehunt not only monitors files, but also domains, URLs, and IP addresses. In this post we detail a few practical examples along with useful tips.

VT Module

This YARA module was created for VT Hunting services to provide all available context data, which is structured in two main sections: metadata and behaviour (sandbox execution). You can find more information about the VT module here.

Using metadata information in Livehunt rules

Analysts can create rules to hunt based on the metadata information that VirusTotal gathers and processes. We are referring to hunting files by characteristics (type, size, signatures), reputation (antivirus detections, submission patterns), and even contextual details (file names, tags, etc).
For example, this would allow analysts to detect files of a certain type that were submitted several times from a given country, and that more than 5 antiviruses have flagged as malicious. Here you have some detailed examples:

Example 1: Malicious DOCX files that use macros:
This example defines a rule focused on detecting potentially malicious DOCX files with macros.
First we check the file type with vt.metadata.file_type == vt.FileType.DOCX.
The next condition (vt.metadata.analysis_stats.malicious > 5) matches files flagged as malicious by more than 5 antivirus engines in VirusTotal. This filters out most of the benign files, and can be adjusted according to the investigation.
Finally, it loops all tags giv

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