Ushering Into New Era With the Integration of AI and Machine Learning


The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into decentralised platforms has resulted in a remarkable convergence of cutting-edge technologies, offering a new paradigm that revolutionises the way we interact with and harness decentralised systems. While decentralised platforms like blockchain and decentralised applications (DApps) have gained popularity for their trustlessness, security, and transparency, the addition of AI and ML opens up a whole new world of automation, intelligent decision-making, and data-driven insights. 

Before delving into the integration of AI and ML, it’s critical to understand the fundamentals of decentralised platforms and their importance. These platforms feature several key characteristics: 

Decentralisation: Decentralised systems are more resilient and less dependent on single points of failure because they do away with central authorities and instead rely on distributed networks. 

Blockchain technology: The safe and open distributed ledger that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is the foundation of many decentralised pl

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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