Unveiling Decentralized Websites: Understanding the Inner Workings of the Decentralized Web


Websites, as we know them, rely on a central server to store their files, which are accessed through a specific domain name. However, this centralized system poses certain vulnerabilities, such as the risk of a single point of failure and the potential for censorship.
But, there’s an alternative – a decentralized website.
A decentralized website finds its home on a decentralized network, regardless of whether it’s a simple static page or an intricate directory with interactive features. As long as it’s hosted on a network of independent nodes, it fits the bill as a decentralized website.
In contrast, traditional websites rely on centralized servers provided by a handful of well-funded companies. While functional, this setup is vulnerable to a single point of failure and potential censorship.
To address these shortcomings, decentralized web hosting steps in. It ensures that a website’s data is spread across thousands of computers worldwide, rendering it censorship-resistant and immune to accessibility issues stemming from a lone node failure.
The Mechanics of a Decentralized Website
Decentralized websites differ from their traditional counterparts in how their files are st

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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