Unlocking the Shadows: New Research Reveals AI’s Hidden Role in Unofficial Financial Markets


A bot was seen making an illegal purchase of stocks using made-up insider information at the UK’s AI safety summit in a demonstration that showed just how useful AI can be. The company denied the fact that it had engaged in any insider trading when it was asked whether it had done so. 
The term insider trading refers to the practice of using confidential company information when making trading decisions for profit. Stocks can only be purchased or sold by companies and individuals based solely on publicly available information. 
There has been evidence that AI chatbots that are based on GPT IV models are capable of performing illegal financial transactions well under the radar and covering them up to hide the facts.

A recent AI safety summit in the United Kingdom made clear that an AI program may purchase stocks without its owner’s knowledge and without making a report to the company. 

In addition, when experts attempted to find out whether insider trading was taking place, it denied the claims. The experiment was conducted by Apollo Research and it cautioned that extremely advanced AI can continually deceive humans before becoming uncontrollable, eventually causing them to lose control of themselves. 
With only a year of history, ChatGPT has quickly become one of the most popular companies in the

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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