UK Government’s New AI System to Monitor Bank Accounts


The UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is gearing up to deploy an advanced AI system aimed at detecting fraud and overpayments in social security benefits. The system will scrutinise millions of bank accounts, including those receiving state pensions and Universal Credit. This move comes as part of a broader effort to crack down on individuals either mistakenly or intentionally receiving excessive benefits.

Despite the government’s intentions to curb fraudulent activities, the proposed measures have sparked significant backlash. More than 40 organisations, including Age UK and Disability Rights UK, have voiced their concerns, labelling the initiative as “a step too far.” These groups argue that the planned mass surveillance of bank accounts poses serious threats to privacy, data protection, and equality.

Under the proposed Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, banks would be mandated to monitor accounts and flag any suspicious activities indicative of fraud. However, critics contend that such measures could set a troubling precedent for intrusive financial surveillance, affecting around 40% of the population who rely on state benefits. Furthermore, these powers extend to scrutinising accounts linked to benefit claims, such as those of partners, parents, and landlords.

In regards to the mounting criticism, the DWP emphasised that the new system does not grant them direct access to individuals’ bank accounts or allow monitoring of spending habits. Nevertheless, concerns persist regarding the broad scope of the sur

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