Twitter to Make ‘Spaces’ Chat Feature Available to Everyone in April

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Twitter today updated its official Twitter app with a mention of the launch of “Spaces,” its chat room feature that’s similar to popular social networking app Clubhouse, but Spaces isn’t quite ready to launch.

In a Twitter Space hosted by the company this morning, Twitter said (via The Verge) that it is aiming to make Spaces available for everyone starting in April.

With Spaces, Twitter offers users public chat rooms that users can create or join. The host who created the Space has speaking privileges to talk to those who join, and can designate up to nine other speakers.

While there’s a maximum of 10 speakers allowed, there’s no limit on the number of listeners who can join a given Space. Spaces has been available in a beta capacity on iOS and Android devices, and creating Spaces is limited to a select number of people who have been selected to beta test the feature in the iOS app.

All iOS and Android users can join an existing Space that has been created by someone in the beta, it’s just the creation process that’s limited at the current time.

Tag: Twitter

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