Traditional AppSec Code Halts Kill DevOps Release Cycles

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In recent years, the application security (AppSec) field has not advanced as rapidly as the software development discipline. While developers are under constant pressure to push code, legacy security tools inhibit their ability to do so. Developers face constant code halts for security testing, which wastes time and greatly diminishes productivity. Software defenses like static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), and web application firewalls (WAFs) also create inefficiencies by creating delays and requiring “training” periods for developers. Organizations need a new generation of AppSec that matches the efficiency and optimized processes of methods like Agile and DevOps.

Developers Are in High Demand

As the economy becomes increasingly digital, software developers are becoming more and more critical. In one recent study, organizational leaders said that access to developer talent is an even bigger factor in a company’s success than access to capital. In the same study, 96% of executives said they believe that increasing the productivity of developers is a medium or high priority.

Read the original article: Traditional AppSec Code Halts Kill DevOps Release Cycles