Tourist Cyber Threats Exposed: Where and When to Use a Travel VPN


Travelling is about more than just taking in new foods, cultures, and scenic views. It’s also about stepping outside of our normal comfort zones, whether this involves a protracted trip, a cramped bus ride, communication difficulties with the locals, or extreme and unusual weather. 

But in the digital world, problems can happen both online and offline. People must connect to risky public Wi-Fi networks while travelling in order to, for example, browse the internet.

Even worse, some countries impose stringent limitations on what internet users can and cannot do. All of this indicates that whenever travellers use a foreign internet connection, they may be putting their digital privacy—or worse—at danger.

Travel-related internet scams could be the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about tourist cyber-traps. Tourists are one of the prime targets of criminals’ aggressive phishing attempts of all stripes. 

When compared to prior fiscal years, Action Fraud, the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime, saw a startling

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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