The Fake E-Shop Scam Campaign Sweeping Southeast Asia, seizing users banking details


In recent years, cybercriminals have been increasingly employing sophisticated tactics to target individuals and organizations across the globe. One such alarming trend is the proliferation of fake e-shop scam campaigns, particularly prevalent in Southeast Asia. 
These campaigns, characterized by their deceptive methods and malicious intent, pose significant threats to cybersecurity and personal privacy.

The emergence of the fake e-shop scam campaign targeting Southeast Asia dates back to 2021, with a notable surge in activity observed by cybersecurity researchers in September 2022. 

Initially concentrated in Malaysia, the campaign swiftly expanded its operations to other countries in the region, including Vietnam and Myanmar. This expansion underscores the growing sophistication and reach of cybercriminal networks operating in Southeast Asia.

At the heart of these malicious campaigns are phishing websites designed to deceive unsuspecting users. 

These websites often masquerade as legitimate e-commerce platforms or payment gateways, luring victims into providing sensitive information such as login credentials and banking details. Once users are enticed to visit these fraudulent sites, they are exposed to various forms of malware, including malicious Android applications packaged as APK files. 
The modus operandi of the attackers involves

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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