The Chatter Podcast: Gone with the Wind, Hitler, and America First with Sarah Churchwell

Gone with the Wind–the top-grossing movie of all time, adjusted for inflation–remains an iconic influence in American culture, despite its deeply troubling portrayal of social and political dynamics in the South during and after the Civil War. The continued popularity of the film points to a need to examine its influence on nearly a century’s worth of American race relations, fascistic movements, and denialism in the United States. And why did Adolf Hitler reportedly love it so much?

David Priess spoke with cultural and literary historian Sarah Churchwell of the University of London, author of The Wrath To Come, a book that dives deeply into the film, how it reflects a mythologized “Lost Cause” version of the Old South, and its connection with today’s increasing political violence. They discussion the popularity of the movie, its differences from the book it was based on, some of the challenges for film

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