The ethos of the tech industry for a long time has always been that there is no shortage of data, and that is a good thing. Recent patents from IBM and Intel demonstrate that the concept of data minimization is becoming more and more prevalent, with an increase in efforts toward balancing the collection of information from users, their storage, and their use as effectively as possible.
It is no secret that every online action, whether it is an individual’s social media activity or the operation of a global corporation, generates data that can potentially be collected, shared, and analyzed. Big data and the recognition of data as a valuable resource have led to an increase in data storage. Although this proliferation of data has raised serious concerns about privacy, security, and regulatory compliance, it also raises serious security concerns.
There is no doubt that the volume and speed of data flowing within an organization is constantly increasing and that this influx brings both opportunities and risks, because, while the abundance of data can be advantageous for business growth and decision-making, it also creates new vulnerabilities.
There are several practices users should follow to minimize the risk of data loss and ensure an environment that is safer, and one of these practices is to closely monitor and manage the amount of digital d
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents
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