Tag: NetApp Blog

Welcome to the containerized path forward

Read the original article: Welcome to the containerized path forward   Congratulations to the team at Portworx. Starting a company, raising money, building technology, and having a successful outcome are all very difficult things to do.   We think that…

What’s new? Microsoft SQL Server with NetApp

Read the original article: What’s new? Microsoft SQL Server with NetApp I was on a bike ride with an old friend whom I hadn’t seen in about 25 years. The obvious question was “what’s new?” Do you mean in addition…

HCI is hybrid cloud infrastructure

Read the original article: HCI is hybrid cloud infrastructure When we launched NetApp® HCI several years ago, we took a decidedly different approach from other vendors. We believed at the time – and we still believe – that the most…

Community Rewind

Read the original article: Community Rewind Do you ever feel like you shift your attention for a minute and miss the news you were waiting for or the best play of the game?   Well, here’s a way to catch…

NetApp IT Perspective: SAP HANA Data Protection Made Better

Read the original article: NetApp IT Perspective: SAP HANA Data Protection Made Better All IT organizations understand the downside of downtime. Users expect availability and consistent performance levels 24/7, even in the face of ever-increasing volumes of data. As a…

Ode to a logo (or “You changed the what?!”)

Read the original article: Ode to a logo (or “You changed the what?!”) Today, a new chapter in our story begins—one that meets the urgent challenges and opportunities of our time. We are expanding what NetApp means to the marketplace, in…

The Highway to Dell

Read the original article: The Highway to Dell The term innovation conjures up images of entrepreneurs writing code in garages that evolve into start-ups with ping pong tables and fancy lunches. Concepts like agile development, cloud native, and Kubernetes are…

Desktops Save the World

Read the original article: Desktops Save the World Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) saving the world is not that far-fetched. Had it not been for VDI admins, architects, virtualization admins, and network providers, who knows what our world would look like today. Not…

Test Your Knowledge: Storage Truth or Myth?

Read the original article: Test Your Knowledge: Storage Truth or Myth? We know that not all data storage is created equal and not every system can take your data from on premise to the cloud and between clouds.  If you’re…

Three Step Compliance and Risk Management for Financial Services

Read the original article: Three Step Compliance and Risk Management for Financial Services In early June, Europe’s financial markets watchdog issued draft guidelines for those outsourcing part of their technology infrastructure to cloud service providers. While acknowledging the benefits of…

NetApp and Cisco: A Partnership of Innovation

Read the original article: NetApp and Cisco: A Partnership of Innovation In 2010, FlexPod® began as an idea for combining the best-in-class products from Cisco and NetApp® to address certain applications and workloads in a converged infrastructure solution.   In 2020,…

Quiz: Are You in a Toxic Storage Relationship

Read the original article: Quiz: Are You in a Toxic Storage Relationship Still in love with your data storage solution, or have you fallen out of love?   Either way, it could be time to take a break and rethink…

Building Web-Based Applications with Microservice Technologies

Read the original article: Building Web-Based Applications with Microservice Technologies As applications rapidly migrate to public and private clouds, application developers like me are expecting more from traditional enterprise infrastructure. Simply providing servers and storage in a corporate data center, even…

What is the Ideal Database Infrastructure?

Read the original article: What is the Ideal Database Infrastructure? What is ideal? A long (4 or 5 hour) bike ride along the Colorado Front Range followed up with some of my favorite carbonated nourishment is an ideal day in my book. And apparently Wout van Aert had an ideal day too—at this year’s edition of Strade Bianche when…

Conversational AI System Built with NVIDIA and NetApp

Read the original article: Conversational AI System Built with NVIDIA and NetApp A conversational AI system engages in humanlike dialog, understands context, and provides intelligent responses. Such AI models are often huge and highly complex. With NetApp® ONTAP® AI, powered…

FlexPod: 10 Years of Nonstop Innovation

Read the original article: FlexPod: 10 Years of Nonstop Innovation Ten years ago, Cisco and NetApp collaborated to create FlexPod®, a modern, best-in-class data solution. But we didn’t stop there. We continue to innovate and constantly improve. Now, a decade…

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changing Oracle Database Performance

Read the original article: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changing Oracle Database Performance Ah, change. It’s not just the late David Bowie’s manifesto for (among other things) the frequency of change in the world today. Change is something to be embraced and utilized for growth.…

Michelle Rudnicki Joins NetApp as VP of US Public Sector

Read the original article: Michelle Rudnicki Joins NetApp as VP of US Public Sector In a world where technology is changing our everyday lives—change that is amplified during this unprecedented era of remote working, learning, collaborating, and connecting—data-driven digital transformation…

A New Backup Architecture – SnapDiff V3

Read the original article: A New Backup Architecture – SnapDiff V3 The challenges of NAS backup With the explosive growth of data, backing up NAS systems is increasingly challenging and complex for enterprises around the world.   Historically, NAS data…

Cloud Field Day #8: SAP with NetApp in the Cloud

Read the original article: Cloud Field Day #8: SAP with NetApp in the Cloud Have you ever had one of those days when everything was aligned and went perfectly? Like when your team’s efforts are rewarded with a performance that…

Which Hybrid Cloud Storage Solution Is Right For You?

Read the original article: Which Hybrid Cloud Storage Solution Is Right For You? Any new hybrid cloud project has many moving parts – not the least of which is storage. Because of its overall impact on performance, reliability, and scalability,…

NetApp XCP Data Mover Solution: On Premises to Cloud

Read the original article: NetApp XCP Data Mover Solution: On Premises to Cloud To transform their enterprises, many businesses are moving from on-premises infrastructure and applications to cloud-based storage and applications. Such a move can help them improve their data…

Not All HCI Solutions are Created Equal

Read the original article: Not All HCI Solutions are Created Equal There’s no question that the success of the cloud has changed our daily lives, from the way we work, to the way we learn, to the way we socialize.…

Announcing High Availability for BeeGFS Supported by NetApp

Read the original article: Announcing High Availability for BeeGFS Supported by NetApp When thinking about high availability for your BeeGFS parallel file system, you need to consider data durability and data availability. Durability means that your data won’t be lost…

Dell Hath No Fury and No Path to the Cloud Either

Read the original article: Dell Hath No Fury and No Path to the Cloud Either If those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, you should pay close attention to Dell’s latest announcements. Sure, the press releases might…

Rapid, Frequent CI/CD with NetApp IT’s CloudOne Platform

Read the original article: Rapid, Frequent CI/CD with NetApp IT’s CloudOne Platform When introducing our CloudOne platform inside NetApp, we wanted to meet certain minimum viable product (MVP) features including the capability to allow rapid, frequent production change through Continuous Integration,…

Why Disaster Recovery Orchestration Matters for HCI

Read the original article: Why Disaster Recovery Orchestration Matters for HCI Let’s start off with, why should you care about disaster recovery orchestration? Disaster recovery orchestration helps companies to: Prepare failover plans (a collection of commands that orchestrate, for example,…

Sidestepping Unexpected Cloud Costs – Part One

Read the original article: Sidestepping Unexpected Cloud Costs – Part One The other day, we saw an interesting quote.   “Cloud is the new IT.”   Do we think that’s right? Not quite, but it’s getting there. It’s true that…

Six Reasons Why Spot by NetApp is Better Together

Read the original article: Six Reasons Why Spot by NetApp is Better Together I am thrilled to announce today we closed the Spot acquisition!    Together we are Spot by NetApp. We will offer the only solution that combines analytics,…

SAP SAPPHIRE Wrap-Up: Resilience

Read the original article: SAP SAPPHIRE Wrap-Up: Resilience In the past few months, every event that I’m aware of has had to significantly change how it’s delivered to its participants. SAP SAPPHIRE NOW 2020 was no exception.  Although day 1…

NetApp IT Insider Tips on ONTAP Management Using Ansible

Read the original article: NetApp IT Insider Tips on ONTAP Management Using Ansible As storage management experts, NetApp IT leans on tools like Red Hat Ansible to help automate the delivery of consistent storage environments, reduce configuration errors, and respond…

Customer Services that Move at the Speed of Conversation

Read the original article: Customer Services that Move at the Speed of Conversation Every day, hundreds of NetApp technical support engineers (TSE) troubleshoot customer cases on the front lines. They are superheroes who handle 15,000 cases each month. Yet these…

Freedom of Choice: SAP HANA in the Cloud

Read the original article: Freedom of Choice: SAP HANA in the Cloud Freedom of choice isn’t just an old Devo video from 1980 — or any of its gazillion covers. Freedom of choice means having more than one path to…

SAP Your Way. On Prem and In the Cloud.

Read the original article: SAP Your Way. On Prem and In the Cloud. Register today for the NetApp Virtual Experience at SAP SAPPHIRE Converge NOW ’20   Coming together has never been more important than it is now, because now…

ONTAP Upgrades & Your Continued Success

Read the original article: ONTAP Upgrades & Your Continued Success NetApp® ONTAP® 9 data management software provides the foundation for a data fabric, which makes it easy to move your data where it’s needed across flash, drive, and cloud resources.…

Now THAT’S a Quick Database

Read the original article: Now THAT’S a Quick Database Several things come to mind when I hear the word “quick.”  I once saw thousands of dollars vanish from my checking account in minutes from a PayPal hack (thanks to PayPal…

Introducing a Framework to Monitor NetApp E-Series Solutions

Read the original article: Introducing a Framework to Monitor NetApp E-Series Solutions Good software development considers functionality from the perspective of the user. For example, as a systems administrator, I want to easily monitor the systems in my environment to…

7 Key Requirements When Selecting the Right dHCI Solution

Read the original article: 7 Key Requirements When Selecting the Right dHCI Solution The hybrid cloud model is here to stay. Public cloud providers offer a simple, fast, and efficient model to consume required IT services and help optimize budgets. However, organizations…

HashiCorp and NetApp: New Key Server Partnership

Read the original article: HashiCorp and NetApp: New Key Server Partnership NetApp’s most security-conscious customers require an external key server to ensure that keys used for data-at-rest encryption are fully protected. Customers are demanding Oasis Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP)…