Tag: Naked Security – Sophos

DoppelPaymer ransomware supsects arrested in Germany and Ukraine

Devices seized, suspects interrogated and arrested, allegedly connected to devastating cyberattack on University Hospital in Düsseldorf. This article has been indexed from Naked Security – Sophos Read the original article: DoppelPaymer ransomware supsects arrested in Germany and Ukraine

Coinbase breached by social engineers, employee data stolen

Another day, another “sophisticated” attack. This time, the company has handily included some useful advice along with its mea culpa… This article has been indexed from Naked Security – Sophos Read the original article: Coinbase breached by social engineers, employee…

Finnish psychotherapy extortion suspect arrested in France

Company transcribed ultra-personal conversations, didn’t secure them. Criminal stole them, then extorted thousands of vulnerable patients. This article has been indexed from Naked Security – Sophos Read the original article: Finnish psychotherapy extortion suspect arrested in France

Hive ransomware servers shut down at last, says FBI

Unfortunately, you’ve probably already heard the cliche that “cybercrime abhors a vacuum”… This article has been indexed from Naked Security – Sophos Read the original article: Hive ransomware servers shut down at last, says FBI

RSA crypto cracked? Or perhaps not!

Stand down from blue alert, it seems… but why not plan your cryptographic agility anyway? This article has been indexed from Naked Security – Sophos Read the original article: RSA crypto cracked? Or perhaps not!