Tag: LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS

Enterprise Encryption for Linux

It’s no secret that the IT department has struggled with encryption for Linux devices many years due to a gap in the management and compliance capability available in their current Linux solution sets. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com…

Ubuntu 5634-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerability

The system could be made to crash if it received specially crafted network traffic. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Ubuntu 5634-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerability

Ubuntu 5629-1: Python vulnerability

Python could be made to redirect web traffic if its http.server received a specially crafted request. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Ubuntu 5629-1: Python vulnerability

Debian: DSA-5236-1: expat security update

Rhodri James discovered a heap use-after-free vulnerability in the doContent function in Expat, an XML parsing C library, which could result in denial of service or potentially the execution of arbitrary code, if a malformed XML file is processed. This…

Debian LTS: DLA-3118-1: unzip security update

Sandipan Roy discovered two vulnerabilities in InfoZIP’s unzip program, a de-archiver for .zip files, which could result in denial of service or potentially the execution of arbitrary code. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the…

Ubuntu 5627-1: PCRE vulnerabilities

PCRE could be made to expose sensitive information. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Ubuntu 5627-1: PCRE vulnerabilities

SUSE: 2022:3252-2 moderate: freetype2

An update that fixes three vulnerabilities is now available. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: SUSE: 2022:3252-2 moderate: freetype2

LLVM 15.0.1 Released With Nearly Three Dozen Fixes

It’s been two weeks since the release of LLVM 15.0 and its sub-projects like Clang 15.0 so per their rapid release rhythm, LLVM 15.0.1 is out with the initial batch of fixes. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com –…

Business VPNs: Now More Important Than Ever

Cybersecurity threats are on the rise. With the rapid shift of the business environment to digital work, and the growing trends of work-from-home and global workforces, hackers and cybercriminals can have a field day. This article has been indexed from…

SUSE: 2022:2322-1 bci/dotnet-sdk Security Update

The container bci/dotnet-sdk was updated. The following patches have been included in this update: This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: SUSE: 2022:2322-1 bci/dotnet-sdk Security Update

SUSE: 2022:2328-1 bci/golang Security Update

The container bci/golang was updated. The following patches have been included in this update: This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: SUSE: 2022:2328-1 bci/golang Security Update

SUSE: 2022:2329-1 bci/rust Security Update

The container bci/rust was updated. The following patches have been included in this update: This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: SUSE: 2022:2329-1 bci/rust Security Update

Mageia 2022-0340: google-gson security update

The package com.google.code.gson:gson before 2.8.9 are vulnerable to Deserialization of Untrusted Data via the writeReplace() method in internal classes, which may lead to DoS attacks. (CVE-2022-25647) References: This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original…

Mageia 2022-0341: libxslt security update

Use after free in Blink XSLT in Google Chrome prior to 91.0.4472.164 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (CVE-2021-30560) References: This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the…

Mageia 2022-0342: open-vm-tools security update

A malicious actor with local non-administrative access to the Guest OS can escalate privileges as a root user in the virtual machine (CVE-2022-31676). References: – https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30770 This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article:…

SUSE: 2022:3331-1 important: libconfuse0

An update that fixes one vulnerability is now available. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: SUSE: 2022:3331-1 important: libconfuse0

Mageia 2022-0343: sofia-sip security update

An attacker can send a message with evil sdp to FreeSWITCH, which may a cause a crash due to an out-of-bounds access. (CVE-2022-31001) An attacker can send a message with evil sdp to FreeSWITCH, which may cause a crash. (CVE-2022-31002)…

Mageia 2022-0344: firefox security update

When injecting an HTML base element, some requests would ignore the CSP’s base-uri settings and accept the injected element’s base instead (CVE-2022-40956). By injecting a cookie with certain special characters, an attacker on a This article has been indexed from…

SUSE: 2022:3326-1 important: go1.19

An update that solves two vulnerabilities and has one errata is now available. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: SUSE: 2022:3326-1 important: go1.19

Debian: DSA-5234-1: fish security update

An arbitrary code execution vulnerability was disovered in fish, a command line shell. When using the default configuraton of fish, changing to a directory automatically ran `git` commands in order to display information about the current repository in the prompt.…

Ubuntu 5626-1: Bind vulnerabilities

Several security issues were fixed in Bind. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Ubuntu 5626-1: Bind vulnerabilities

Debian: DSA-5232-1: tinygltf security update

It was discovered that the wordexp() function of tinygltf, a library to load/save glTF (GL Transmission Format) files was susceptible to command execution when processing untrusted files. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original…

Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1

At the Kernel Maintainers Summit, the question wasn’t, “Would Rust make it into Linux?” Instead, it was, “What to do about its compilers?” This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Linus Torvalds: Rust…

Linux Log Analysis

With the rise of containers and virtual machines, some system administrators check their system logs less frequently. However, this is a mistake. Even if an application is containerized, it is still important to keep and analyze logs. This article has…

Ubuntu 5625-1: Mako vulnerability

Mako could be made to denial of service if it received a specially crafted regular expression. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Ubuntu 5625-1: Mako vulnerability

What You Need to Know when Considering a VPN on Linux

Virtual private networks, or VPNs, have gained popularity, especially among enterprises, since they offer high security without sacrificing convenience. One of the most economical cybersecurity choices available today, they are simple to set up and utilize. This article has been…

What Are Checksums & Why Should You Be Using Them?

A checksum is a small-sized block of data that is used to identify faults in files introduced during transmission or storage. Checksums are frequently used to verify data integrity but are not used to validate data validity. In simple terms,…

Essential Guide to Securing Node.JS Applications

Due to its ability to act as the backend server for web applications, Node.js is becoming a trendy platform these days. However, it becomes crucial to take into account Node.js security policies when it comes to the world of microservices.…

BlackHat USA 2022: Devils Are in the File Descriptors

Learn about a File Descriptor vulnerability that was exposed at Blackhat USA 2022, and the lessons we can take away from this discovery. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: BlackHat USA 2022:…

Open Source OSINT Tools and Techniques

What is Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)?Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the practice of collecting information from published or publicly available sources for intelligence purposes. The term ”Open Source’ within OSINT refers to the public nature of the analyzed data; publicly…

The Story Behind the Linux Security Quick Reference Guide

A memoir written by Dave Wreski, Guardian Digital CEO, Founder of LinuxSecurity.com and author of the Linux Security Quick Reference Guide and Linux Security HOWTO . This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article:…

Best Practices for PHP Security

Now more than ever, people, developers, and businesses alike consider PHP a dying language and that it might have no place in the IT/Dev World. However, PHP is one of the most popular programming languages still in use today. It…

Your Linux Firewall Cant Stop These 3 Attacks!

Nowadays, Linux systems are considered fairly secure, as people think that Linux rarely gets infected with malware such as viruses, rootkits, worms, etc. You might also see that we hardly ever come across Antivirus software being sold for Linux, giving…

Complete Guide to Vulnerability Basics

The popularity of web applications is constantly growing as businesses and corporations host several services through them. However, companies and businesses that do have web applications still face the threat of vulnerabilities. A vulnerability is a flaw in your system…

How To Hide Your IP And Keep From Being Tracked

While the internet provides many benefits, it also brings new risks and challenges. One of the most common and notable of these is the threat to our privacy. Some users might think that they are protected by their browser, search…

Which Browser is Best for Online Security?

Today, one of the most popular ways for free websites and browsers to make a profit is tracking and selling user data to advertisers. While most tracking is behind the scenes and discreet, allowing oneself to be tracked can have…

How to Spend Less Time on Web and API Security

With web and API security becoming an increasingly important aspect of software development, ”shift left” is gaining wide acceptance as a best practice to ensure security integrates with development early. More and more cybersecurity companies are releasing relevant products and…

Guide to Web Application Penetration Testing

Web applications are today an integral part of most business operations. They are commonly used for storing, processing, or transmitting data as a part of various business operations. However, these web applications are often exposed to huge cyber risks. They…

Email Security FAQs Answered by Guardian Digital

With email-related attacks becoming increasingly prevalent and serious, securing your business email accounts is more important than ever before. This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Read the original article: Email Security FAQs Answered by Guardian Digital

Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 3

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS In Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 1 and Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 2 , we covered how a keylogger can be written for Linux in…

Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 2

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS In Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 1 , we covered how a keylogger can be written for Linux, by reading events directly from keyboard device. Today, we will…

What You Need to Know About Open-Source Software Security

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS While allowing public access to the sensitive behind-the-scenes operation of a program sounds risky, open-source software actually has the potential to be even more secure than a program with hidden…

A Complete Guide to Torrenting Safely in 2022

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Peer-to-peer (P2P) torrenting users face a multitude of risks, ranging from downloading malware to inadvertently downloading unauthorized content. Your computer may get infected with viruses, your ISP may limit your…

Best File & Disk Encryption Tools for Linux

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS As we rapidly transition to an increasingly digital society, data protection is a greater concern than ever before. Encryption is one of the most effective and widely used methods of…

The Benefits of Bug Bounty Programs

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Ethical hacking might sound contradictory, but leveraging the skills of the ”white hat’ hacker community has done a great deal for safety and security on the internet. Nowhere does this…

Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 1

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS In this first part of our Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux, we will explore the basics of keylogging and its importance in the realm of Linux security, and dive…

Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux: Part 1>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS In this first part of our Complete Guide to Keylogging in Linux, we will explore the basics of keylogging and its importance in the realm of Linux security, and dive…

Call for Contributors with Knowledge of Linux Firewalls!>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Greetings fellow Linux security enthusiasts,Interested in becoming a LinuxSecurity contributor, but need an article topic idea and some guidance to help you get started? Read the original article: Call for…

Fileless Malware on Linux: Anatomy of an Attack>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Recent years have demonstrated that Windows users are not the only ones who should be concerned about malware. Linux is becoming an increasingly popular target among malware operators due to…

Nmap Firewall Evasion Techniques>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS The primary goal of firewall penetration testing is to prevent unauthorized internet access to your organization’s internal network, or check to make sure your security policy is doing what you…

Nmap Basics: What Is Nmap & How Is It Used?>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Nmap , short for ”Network Mapper”, is an open-sourced tool for network discovery and auditing. It is now one of the most widely used tools for network mapping by system…

Real-Time Alerting with Snort>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Real-time alerting is a feature of an IDS or any other monitoring application that notifies a person of an event in an acceptably short amount of time. The amount of…

Fileless Malware on Linux: Anatomy of an Attack>

This article has been indexed from LinuxSecurity.com – Hybrid RSS Recent years have demonstrated that Windows users are not the only ones who should be concerned about malware. Linux is becoming an increasingly popular target among malware operators due to…