Tag: Facecrooks

Facebook Announces Expanded Support For Physical Security Keys

Read the original article: Facebook Announces Expanded Support For Physical Security Keys The post Facebook Announces Expanded Support For Physical Security Keys appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook announced this week that it will finally expand support of physical security keys…

Facebook Wants To Train AI By Showing It User Videos

Read the original article: Facebook Wants To Train AI By Showing It User Videos The post Facebook Wants To Train AI By Showing It User Videos appeared first on Facecrooks. In recent years, Facebook has become obsessed with the possibilities…

Facebook “Welcomes” Stronger Privacy Regulations

Read the original article: Facebook “Welcomes” Stronger Privacy Regulations The post Facebook “Welcomes” Stronger Privacy Regulations appeared first on Facecrooks. This week, the state of Virginia became the second to pass its own version of the Consumer Data Protection Act…

Facebook Doubled Removal Of Bullying And Harassment Posts

Read the original article: Facebook Doubled Removal Of Bullying And Harassment Posts The post Facebook Doubled Removal Of Bullying And Harassment Posts appeared first on Facecrooks. In recent years, Facebook has committed itself to stopping the spread of bullying and…

Facebook Takes A Stand Against Misinformation Abroad

Read the original article: Facebook Takes A Stand Against Misinformation Abroad The post Facebook Takes A Stand Against Misinformation Abroad appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook has come under increasing pressure to restrict political content in the wake of a contentious…

Facebook Content Moderation Oversight Board Issues First Rulings

Read the original article: Facebook Content Moderation Oversight Board Issues First Rulings The post Facebook Content Moderation Oversight Board Issues First Rulings appeared first on Facecrooks. For months, Facebook has touted its creation of an independent Oversight Board to handle…

Expert Warns Privacy-Concerned Users To Avoid Facebook Messenger

Read the original article: Expert Warns Privacy-Concerned Users To Avoid Facebook Messenger The post Expert Warns Privacy-Concerned Users To Avoid Facebook Messenger appeared first on Facecrooks. The popular Facebook-owned messaging platform WhatsApp continues to face blowback this week for an…

Facebook Will Offer Improved Account Security In 2021

Read the original article: Facebook Will Offer Improved Account Security In 2021 The post Facebook Will Offer Improved Account Security In 2021 appeared first on Facecrooks. As usual, Facebook came under intense scrutiny this year for the ways in which…

Report: Facebook Shopping Scams Are On The Rise

Read the original article: Report: Facebook Shopping Scams Are On The Rise The post Report: Facebook Shopping Scams Are On The Rise appeared first on Facecrooks. Scammers and cybercriminals often try to take advantage of Facebook users with fraudulent advertisements.…

Facebook Again Slams Apple Over Privacy Concerns

Read the original article: Facebook Again Slams Apple Over Privacy Concerns The post Facebook Again Slams Apple Over Privacy Concerns appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook and Apple are two of the biggest tech companies in the world, so it only…

Facebook Accused Of Secret “Orwellian” Internal Algorithm

Read the original article: Facebook Accused Of Secret “Orwellian” Internal Algorithm The post Facebook Accused Of Secret “Orwellian” Internal Algorithm appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook has long been criticized by its competitors for shutting down free speech and censoring content.…

Facebook Grilled By Lawmakers Over Moderation, Censorship Concerns

Read the original article: Facebook Grilled By Lawmakers Over Moderation, Censorship Concerns The post Facebook Grilled By Lawmakers Over Moderation, Censorship Concerns appeared first on Facecrooks. This week, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg once again appeared before U.S. lawmakers…

Report: Facebook’s QAnon Ban May Actually Be Effective

Read the original article: Report: Facebook’s QAnon Ban May Actually Be Effective The post Report: Facebook’s QAnon Ban May Actually Be Effective appeared first on Facecrooks. When Facebook announced earlier this month that it would crack down on QAnon conspiracy…

Facebook Oversight Board Launches This Week

Read the original article: Facebook Oversight Board Launches This Week The post Facebook Oversight Board Launches This Week appeared first on Facecrooks. Starting this week, Facebook users will finally be able to submit content moderation cases to the company’s independent…

Report: Facebook Is Failing To Remove Right-Wing Extremism

Read the original article: Report: Facebook Is Failing To Remove Right-Wing Extremism The post Report: Facebook Is Failing To Remove Right-Wing Extremism appeared first on Facecrooks. Facebook has made a big deal in recent months about cracking down on militias…

Facebook Bans Innocent Man For Militia-Themed Softball Page

Read the original article: Facebook Bans Innocent Man For Militia-Themed Softball Page The post Facebook Bans Innocent Man For Militia-Themed Softball Page appeared first on Facecrooks. In recent months, Facebook has cracked down on pages and accounts that promote militia…

Facebook Announces Bug Bounty “Loyalty Program”

Read the original article: Facebook Announces Bug Bounty “Loyalty Program” The post Facebook Announces Bug Bounty “Loyalty Program” appeared first on Facecrooks. As the world’s largest social media platform, Facebook has had more than its fair share of security and…

Update: Facebook Finally Bans QAnon Altogether

Read the original article: Update: Facebook Finally Bans QAnon Altogether The post Update: Facebook Finally Bans QAnon Altogether appeared first on Facecrooks. In recent weeks, Facebook has made moves to limit the spread of QAnon conspiracy content on its platform.…

Activists, Experts Launch Rival Facebook Oversight Board

Read the original article: Activists, Experts Launch Rival Facebook Oversight Board The post Activists, Experts Launch Rival Facebook Oversight Board appeared first on Facecrooks. For months, Facebook has touted its Oversight Board as a solution to tough content moderation and…