Some Developers Say Apple Letting Apps Like Netflix and Spotify Share a Link to Web for Account Sign-Up Isn’t Enough

This article has been indexed from MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors – Front Page

Apple on Wednesday evening announced that, starting in early 2022, it will allow developers of “reader” apps to include an in-app link to their website for users to set up or manage an account. “Reader” apps allow a user to access previously purchased content or subscription-based content for digital magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, and video, according to Apple, such as Netflix, Spotify, and the Amazon Kindle app.

Following the announcement, some developers have said Apple’s decision is not good enough.

For starters, some have criticized Apple’s plan to let developers share only “a single link” to their website to help users set up and manage their account. Apple is still considering the types of wording it will let developers use for these links, according to The Irish Independent‘s Adrian Weckler, but some developers doubt that Apple will let them mention that customers can save money by signing up outside of the app.