Sneak Peek: Hive’s RaaS Techniques


With the average ransomware pay-out expected to reach $541,010 in 2021 and some affiliates earning up to 80% of each ransom payment, it’s no wonder that RaaS setups are claimed to assist nearly two-thirds of ransomware operations. 
Indeed, service providers, such as Hive, are giving threat actors a head start in their criminal careers. Hive is a new RaaS group that was discovered in June 2021. However, its aggressive tactics and frequent variation improvements have turned it into a powerful opponent in the space. While other ransomware operators, like as REvil, dominated news in its first year, 
Hive gained prominence in November 2021 by hitting Media Markt, Europe’s largest consumer electronics shop.The attack piqued the interest of the RaaS industry, causing the platform’s victim count to soon rise into the hundreds, with the bulk of these victims being IT and real estate enterprises in the United States. 
How Hive Set Up a “Sales Department” 
The Menlo Labs research team examined interactions between the Hive ransomware gang and some of its victims in order to better comprehend this new and formidable RaaS group. Hive ransomware exploits a variety of attack vectors, including hijacked VPN credentials, weak RDP servers, and phishing emails with a Cobalt Strike payload. The examined programme was h

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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