Sigma rules for Linux and MacOS

TLDR: VT Crowdsourced Sigma rules will now also match suspicious activity for macOS and Linux binaries, in addition to Windows.
We recently discussed how to maximize the value of Sigma rules by easily converting them to YARA Livehunts. Unfortunately, at that time Sigma rules were only matched against Windows binaries.
Since then, our engineering team worked hard to provide a better experience to Sigma lovers, increasing Crowdsourced Sigma rules value by extending matches to macOS and Linux samples.

Welcome macOS and Linux

Although we are still working to implement Sysmon in our Linux and macOS sandboxes, we implemented new features that allow Sigma rule matching by extracting samples’ runtime behavior.
For example, a process created in our sandbox that ends in “/crontab” and contains the “-l” parameter in the command line would match the following Sigma rule:

  product: linux

  category: process_creation



    Image|endswith: ‘/crontab’

    CommandLine|contains: ‘ -l’

  condition: selection

We have mapped all the fields used by Sigma rules with the information offered by our sandboxes, which allowed us to map rules for image_load, process_creation and registry_set, among others.
This approach has limitations. However, about 54% of Crowdsourced Sigma rules for Linux and 96% for macOS are related to process creation, meaning we already have enough information to match all these with our sandboxes’ output. The same happens for rules based on file creation.
Let’s look at some examples!

Linux, MacOS and Windows examples


div class=”interval_12″> The following shell script sample matc

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