Shadow IT, SaaS Pose a High Security Threat for Businesses


Software as a service (SaaS) has undeniably reached the height of its popularity. Modern corporate operations and continuity depend today more than ever on software technologies. The right procurement procedures haven’t yet been adopted by enough businesses, despite this, so they can’t be sure they’re safeguarding their reputations and preventing data breaches. 

The growing practise of “shadow IT,” which refers to when employees download and utilise software solutions without informing their internal IT personnel, is a crucial factor causing worries about SaaS management. According to a recent poll, more than 65% of IT professionals claim their SaaS tools aren’t getting approved, and 77% of them anticipate that shadow IT will become a serious issue in 2023. As the use of SaaS spreads, organisations are starting to struggle with managing security in addition to the obvious worries about overspending and the disruptions to operational effectiveness. 

Unfortunately, for many organisations, ignoring shadow IT is no longer an option. The average cost of data breaches and other security attacks to firms is $4.5 million, and a rising software market is largely to blame for many of these incidents. Organisatio

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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