Security Is Everyone’s Responsibility

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When it comes to cybersecurity, most people have a perception that it is the sole responsibility of the IT or Security department. However, in these changing times, internet security’s responsibility does not lie on the shoulders of the technical elites alone, but is shared by everyone. As cyber-attacks are occurring at multiple levels, it is not only the tech geeks, but all others too who must take responsibility for safeguarding the IT systems. Still not convinced? Here are some more reasons to justify that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s dive in.

Every Individual Is a Potential Target

A majority of data breaches are due to human error and a lack of security awareness. Human beings are the weakest links and, therefore, easily become a potential target. Cyberattack techniques such as phishing, social engineering, and many others are mainly directed towards specific individuals. Through social engineering, the intruder pretends to be someone you are familiar with and makes you fall into their trap easily. This can result in the exploitation of a large amount of confidential data by the attacker. To prevent such cybersecurity attacks, you need to more aware and tighten your defense systems. Make sure to think, analyze, and act before providing important data to someone.

Read the original article: Security Is Everyone’s Responsibility