Scammers Impersonating European Anti-Fraud Office to Launch Phishing Campaigns


Threat analysts have unearthed multiple incidents of fraud and phishing attempts via malicious texts, letters, and scam phone calls purporting to be from OLAF, the European Anti-Fraud Office. 

The European Anti-Fraud Office (also known as OLAF,) is a body mandated by the European Union (EU) with guarding the Union’s financial interests. It was established on 28 April 1999, under the European Commission Decision 1999/352. 

To target entities and individuals, scammers often impersonate the European Commission or OLAF’s logo and the identity of OLAF staff members to look convincing. They try to lure victims by offering to transfer the money on the condition that if the victim pays a charge and provides financial and private data.

European Anti-Fraud Office methodology 

OLAF’s investigators achieve their goal by launching independent internal and external investigations. Threat analysts coordinate the activities of t

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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