Safeguarding Your Employee Data From Identity Theft


In today’s digital age, where data breaches and cyberattacks are increasingly common, safeguarding against identity-based attacks has become paramount for organizations worldwide. Identity-based attacks, which involve the unauthorized access to sensitive information through compromised user credentials, pose significant risks to businesses of all sizes and industries. 

As CrowdStrike reported, 80% of attacks involve identity and compromised credentials, highlighting the widespread nature of this threat. Additionally, an IBM report found that identity-related attacks are now the top vector impacting global cybercrime, with a staggering 71% yearly increase. 
Cybercriminals employ various tactics to carry out identity-based attacks, targeting organizations through phishing campaigns, credential stuffing, password spraying, pass-the-hash techniques, man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, and more. Phishing campaigns, for example, involve the mass distribution of deceptive emails designed to trick recipients into divulging their login credentials or other sensitive information. Spear-phishing campaigns, on the other hand, are highly targeted attacks that leverage personal information to tailor phishing messages to specific individuals, increasing their likelihood of success.
Credential stuffing attacks exploit the widespread practice of password reuse, where individuals use the same passwords across multiple accounts. Cyberc

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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