Resurgent FluBot malware targets German and Polish banks

This article has been indexed from Netcraft News

Netcraft’s research into the Android banking malware FluBot confirms that its operations are expanding rapidly, with a spike in the number of malware distribution pages deployed, and finance applications affected in greater numbers.

In recent days new overlays have been distributed that target a number of Polish and German banks, only days after news that FluBot has begun to target Australian banks.

FluBot is distributed in the first instance using text messages, containing links to so-called “lure” pages: web pages unintentionally hosted by compromised web servers, commonly impersonating parcel tracking services, or voicemail notifications. Lure pages attempt to induce visitors to download the malware.

A scam text reading "( UPS ) Your package is arriving, track here"
"Your order will be delivered by DX today between 11:26 and 14:26. Track progress"
Text messages impersonating delivery companies, directing victims to FluBot lure sites

Read the original article: Resurgent FluBot malware targets German and Polish banks