Report: Retailers Face Challenges in Coping with Ransomware Attacks


In a disconcerting revelation, a recently released report suggests that retailers are finding themselves increasingly outmatched in the ongoing battle against ransomware operators. Conducted by cybersecurity experts Sophos, the survey enlisted the perspectives of 3,000 IT and cybersecurity leaders from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and enterprises worldwide, with a particular focus on 355 respondents hailing from the retail sector. 
The findings are rather sobering, indicating that a mere 26% of retailers were successful in thwarting a ransomware attack before succumbing to having their valuable data encrypted. This figure represents a noticeable decline from the preceding year’s 28%, and even more starkly from the 34% recorded two years prior.
Chester Wisniewski, the Director of Global Field CTO at Sophos, sounds a cautionary note, deeming the survey a resounding wake-up call for organizations within the retail industry. His message is clear: retailers must urgently fortify their security measures in the face of the escalating ransomware threat.
The report also sheds light on the protracted recovery process faced by victims who opt to meet the ransom demand. Among those who acquiesced, the median recovery cost, excluding the ransom payment itself, surged to four times that of those with a functional ba

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