RCE Vulnerability patched in vm2 Sandbox

Researchers from Oxeye found a serious vm2 vulnerability (CVE-2022-36067) that has the highest CVSS score of 10.0. R&D executives, AppSec engineers, and security experts must make sure they rapidly repair the vm2 sandbox if they utilize it in their apps due to a new vulnerability known as SandBreak.
The most widely used Javascript sandbox library is vm2, which receives about 17.5 million downloads each month. It offers a widely used software testing framework that may synchronously execute untrusted code in a single process.
The Node.js functionality that allows vm2 maintainers to alter the call stack of failures in the software testing framework is the primary culprit in the vulnerability, which Oxeye’s researchers have dubbed SandBreak.
According to senior security researcher Gal Goldshtein of Oxeye, “when examining the prior issues revealed to the vm2 maintainers, we observed an unusual technique: the bug reporter leveraged the error mechanism in Node.js to escape the sandbox.”
Modern applications use sandboxes for a variety of functions, including inspecting attached files in email servers, adding an extra layer of protection in web browsers, and isolating running programs in some operating systems. Bypassing the vm2 sandbox environment, a hacker who takes advantage of this vulnerability would b

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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