Ransomware Hit European Pipeline & Energy Supplier Encevo Linked to BlackCat


BlackCat ransomware gang claimed responsibility for the attack that occurred last week on Creos Luxembourg S.A., a company that owns and provides electricity networks and natural gas pipelines in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 
In the wake of the news, cyber security researchers reported that they are currently investigating the extent of the damage done. 
Encevo, the parent company of Creos and energy that facilitates five EU countries confirmed on July 25 that the firm suffered a cyberattack over the weekend of July 22–23. The cyberattack had rendered Encevo and Creos’ customer portals inaccessible however, the services themselves remained unaffected. 
According to the reports, the BlackCat ransomware group uploaded 150GB of data on its exaction site stolen from Encevo, including contracts, bills, passports, and emails. The gang is now threatening to release and sell the data within hours if the ransom isn’t paid. 
The attack majorly affected the natural gas pipeline and the energy supplier Enovos, however, Encevo assured its users that the supply would not be disrupted. The firm recommended its users update their login credentials as soon as possible, alongside, customers should also change their passwords on other websites if they are the same. 
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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