Qwant or DuckDuckGo: Which Search Engine is More Private?

Qwant and DuckDuckGo are two privately-focused search engines that guarantee not to track your activities. Their ability to assist you in avoiding the privacy-invading methods that are all too prevalent among big search engines is one of the key components of their appeal. However, in search engine businesses, it is easy to promise one thing but instead do whichever one thing brings the most profit to the organization. 

Here, we are comparing DuckDuckGo with Qwant to discover which search engine is better at safeguarding its users’ privacy beyond the marketing claims. 

Data Collection 

Any search engine company’s efforts to collect data is a highly risky task. There is a very blurry line between the quantity of data that is required and the amount that is excessive. Once a search engine service crosses this blurry line, one can infer that the notion of privacy is simply abandoned. 

IP address, device type, device platform, search history, and links clicked on results pages are some of the instances of data collected by major search engine companies. 

However, they do not necessarily need to collect all that data, compromising users’ privacy. So, what kind of data do Qwant and DuckDuckGo collect on their users? 

Data Collected by Qwant 

The Qwant search engine s

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