Private Data of Europeans Shared 376 Times Daily in Ad Sales

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Private information about every internet user is shared hundreds of times each day as companies bid for online advertising slots. A brand-new report by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), uncovered that the average European user’s data is shared 376 times per day and the figure rises to 747 times daily for US-based users. 

Currently, ICCL is engaged in a legal battle with the digital ad industry and the Data Protection Commission against what it describes as an epic data breach, arguing that nobody has ever specifically consented to this practice. 

The data is shared between brokers acting on behalf of those wishing to place adverts, in real-time, as a web page loads in front of someone who is reading it. The brands in the adverts themselves are not involved. 

That data can be practically anything based on the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) audience taxonomy. The basics, of course, like age, sex, location, income, and the like are included, but it doesn’t stop there. All sorts of websites fingerprint their visitors and those fingerprints can later be used to target

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