Poll Shows Most Shoppers Don’t Trust E-Commerce Sites | Avast

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A new poll commissioned by e-commerce search specialist Empathy.co revealed that most shoppers distrust online stores and choose not to share personal data with them. In the survey conducted by Censuswide, 4,000 British consumers were asked about their online shopping preferences. About 22% claimed to always use guest checkouts so they would not have to share any sensitive data by creating an account. When asked if they’re extra careful when providing personal data and accepting legal notices, 42% said yes, while another 40% agreed they do not like being asked for unnecessary or sensitive data. “The number of security breaches that have happened over the years is huge,” commented Avast Security Evangelist Luis Corrons. “So minimizing the information shared online is a sensible and wise approach.” For more on this story, see Infosecurity Magazine

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