Phishing asking recipients not to report abuse, (Tue, Jun 22nd)

This article has been indexed from SANS Internet Storm Center, InfoCON: green

It can be a little disheartening to deal with well-prepared phishing attacks every day, since one can easily see how even users who are fully “security-aware” could fall for some them. The messages don&#x27t even have to be too complex to be believable. For example, a message containing seemingly innocuous text and a link that points to legitimate, well-known domain hosting an application that is affected by open redirect vulnerability (I&#x27m looking at you, Google[1], though – to be fair – you&#x27re hardly alone[2]) can look quite trustworthy, if no obvious red flags are present.

Read the original article: Phishing asking recipients not to report abuse, (Tue, Jun 22nd)