Performance Hit Experienced By File Copying Due to Windows 11 22H2


According to reports, Microsoft began rolling out Windows 11 version 22H2 last month, just a few months after announcing it. The experience has not been completely smooth as one might think. 
“22H2 has a performance problem when copying large files from a remote computer to a Windows 11 computer or when copying files on a local drive,” explains Ned Pyle, Principal Program Manager at Windows Server engineering.
There have been several reports of users reporting that the update failed with an error code of “0x800f0806”. Interestingly enough, one of our Neowin members was able to figure out a workaround for this problem. There are also the usual suspects, like printer problems as a result of a revised printer policy that leads to printers not being detected after the 2022 Update, which can result in a lot of frustration. 
There was another related issue that caused Microsoft to block the whole update on affected devices due to this problem. Afterward, Microsoft issued a warning to IT admins on the issue, stating that provisioning for Windows 11 22H2 is currently broken, as it discovered the existence of this issue.
Additionally, the Redmond-based firm revisited another problem that was resulting in the massive slow-down in the speed at which large files could be copied remotely on 22H2 systems as a result of a power failure. 
This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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