Passwords are and have always been an Achilles Heel in CyberSecurity

Read the original article: Passwords are and have always been an Achilles Heel in CyberSecurity

LogMeOnce, a password identity management suite provider, has published a detailed interview with myself titled ‘Passwords are and have always been an Achilles Heel in CyberSecurity‘. In the Q&A I talk about Passwords Security (obviously), Threat Actors, IoT Security, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Anti-Virus, Biometrics, AI, Privacy, and a bit on how I got into a career in Cybersecurity.

“I’m afraid people will remain the weakest link in security, and the vast majority of cybercriminals go after this lowest hanging fruit. It’s the least effort for the most reward.”

“There is no silver bullet with password security, but MFA comes close, it significantly reduces the risk of account compromise”

“The built-in biometric authentication capabilities of smartphones are a significant advancement for security”

“Cybercriminals go after this lowest hanging fruit, the least effort for the most reward.”

“As technology becomes more secure and more difficult to defeat, it stands to reason criminals will increasingly target people more.”

“The impact of the WannaCry ransomware outbreak on NHS IT systems is a recent example of such cyberattack which threatens lives.”

“Machine Learning can provide real benefits, especially in large Security Operations Centres (SOC), by helping analysts breakdown the steady stream of data into actionable intelligence, reducing workload and false-positive errors”

“When I look at new technology today, I still seek to thoroughly understand how it works, naturally thinking about the weaknesses which could be exploited, and the negative impact of such exploits on the people and businesses using the technology. I developed a kind of a ‘hacker’s eye for business’”

Read the original article: Passwords are and have always been an Achilles Heel in CyberSecurity