Part Two: Secure Coding Urban Myths

Read the original article: Part Two: Secure Coding Urban Myths

In part one of this two-part series, we dug into a few urban myths about the security of open source code and trusting your favorite developer tools. While the myths are common, the reality is clear: taking ownership over your code with the right tools and methodologies means you’re creating applications that carry far less risk than ever before. Keep reading for three more common urban myths about secure coding—and how to go about changing them.

Myth 4: Using More Testing Types Will Just Lead To More Findings and Slow Everything Down, Causing Unnecessary Headaches

Reality: While it might seem like it’s adding extra work on the surface, having more than one testing type embedded into your development process saves time as you’re able to catch more flaws before the production stage. That means you won’t have to remediate a pile of vulnerabilities later on when it’s more of a hassle, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing your code is more likely to pass policy checks. 

Read the original article: Part Two: Secure Coding Urban Myths