Ontario Hospitals Dispatch 326,000 Letters to Patients Affected by Cyberattack Data Breach


Five hospitals in Ontario, which fell victim to a ransomware attack last autumn, are initiating a mass notification effort to inform over 326,000 patients whose personal data was compromised.
The cyber breach on October 23, targeted Bluewater Health, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, and Windsor Regional Hospital.
While electronic medical records at all affected hospitals, except Bluewater Health, remained unscathed, personal health information stored within their systems was unlawfully accessed. Subsequently, some of this pilfered data surfaced on the dark web.
A collective statement released by the hospitals highlights that approximately 326,800 patients were impacted, though this figure might include duplications for individuals seeking medical care at multiple sites.
The hospitals have undertaken a meticulous data analysis process spanning several months to ensure comprehensive notification of affected patients. For those whose social insurance numbers were compromised, arrangements for credit monitoring will also be provided.
The hospitals confirm that their notification strategy was devi

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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