NYOB Acts Against the Cookie Banner Terror

This article has been indexed from Softpedia News / Security

A group of online privacy campaigners announced Monday that it is suing hundreds of websites for using pop-up banners requesting users to accept cookies, according to Euractiv.  

The Vienna-based NOYB group (an acronym for none of your business) announced that it would present more than 500 draft complaints to firms on what is called the cookie banner terror, that has turned the Internet into a frustrating experience for people all throughout Europe. 

According to NOYB, many of the consent pop-ups that have become practically ubiquitous on the Internet violate EU legislation, particularly the landmark General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

According to the Group, the aforementioned pop-ups do not provide the user with the basic yes or no to data collection that the law requires. Moreover, the banners are often structured in…

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