Nvidia CEO Believes AI Would Kill Coding


When ChatGPT was first made public by OpenAI in November 2022, many were taken aback by its abilities. People discovered an array of opportunities for the AI chatbot, ranging from asking it to write poetry and music to debug and coding. Companies like Google and Microsoft also quickly released their own chatbots, Bard (now Gemini) and Bing. With ChatGPT, the popularity of generative AI reached new heights. 

AI has been heralded by many as the future. Notable figures in the IT industry, including Sam Altman, Satya Nadella, Bill Gates, and Sundar Pichai, have already spoken on the possible effects of AI on labour markets, highlighting its significance. While some IT professionals think AI will result in job losses in the IT industry, others think it will open up more opportunities. 

CEO of Nvidia Jensen Huang agrees that AI will have an impact on the labour market and argues that anyone can become a programmer with this new technology, so children don’t need to learn how to code. 

The Nvidia CEO can be seen speaking at an event in a video that has gone viral. He claims that a decade or s

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