Notorious Ransomware Gang Claims Responsibility for Cyberattack on Southwestern Ontario Hospitals


A notorious cybercrime gang known as Daixin Team has publicly admitted to pilfering millions of records from five hospitals in southern Ontario, subsequently leaking the data online when their ransom demands were not met. The targeted hospitals include those in Leamington, Windsor, Sarnia, and Chatham-Kent. The Windsor Star has obtained a purported link to the leaked information, which is hosted on the dark web, offering access to personal details of patients from these facilities.
While the hospitals confirmed the publication of the compromised data, they did not officially confirm Daixin Team’s involvement. Windsor Regional Hospital CEO, David Musyj, emphasized that the attackers were part of a sophisticated and organized operation, rather than an isolated individual. 
The affected hospitals, including Sarnia’s Bluewater Health, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Windsor-Essex hospice, Erie Shores HealthCare, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, and Windsor Regional Hospital, continue to grapple with system access issues following the cyberattack on October 23. In addition to disrupting digital and tech-based systems, the perpetrators made off with substantial amounts of personal information pertaining to both staff and patients. When the hospitals refused to yield to ransom demands, the criminals opted to disseminate the pilfered data.
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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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