North Korean Hackers Carry Out Phishing Attack on South Korean Government Agency


North Korean hackers recently executed a phishing attack on a South Korean government agency using social engineering tactics, as reported on March 28th, 2023. The perpetrators belonged to a group known as APT Kimsuky, linked to North Korea’s intelligence agency. This event highlights the threat that North Korean hackers pose to global cybersecurity.
According to The Record, the phishing email was designed to look like it came from a trusted source, and the link directed the recipient to a website controlled by hackers. Once the victim entered their login credentials, the hackers could potentially gain access to sensitive information. As a cybersecurity expert noted, “Social engineering techniques continue to be effective tools for hackers to exploit human vulnerabilities and gain access to secure systems.”
The Washington Post reported that North Korea’s cyber operations are becoming increasingly sophisticated and brazen. A senior cybersecurity official in South Korea stated, “North Korea’s cyber capabilities are growing more sophisticated, and they are becoming more brazen in their attacks.” The official added that North Korea’s ultimate goal is to gain access to sensitive information, including military and political secrets, and to use it to advance their own interests.
North Korean hackers are known for employing a ‘long-con’ strategy, as reported by IBTimes. They patiently

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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