Newly Discovered Royal Ransomware is Targeting Organizations with Multi-Million Dollar Assaults


A new ransomware operation dubbed “Royal” is targeting organizations with ransom demands ranging from $250.000 to over $2 million. 

A new report from BleepingComputer in collaboration AdvIntel researchers has investigated the group’s encryptor and its methodology. The ransomware group was first identified in January 2022 and includes vetted and experienced hackers from past operations. 

Interestingly, it does not operate as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), but instead as a private group without partners or affiliates. At first, the group employed the encryptors of other ransomware operations, such as the BlackCat example, before utilizing its own encryptors, the first being Zeon, an encryptor that designs ransom notes identical to Conti’s. 

Royal modus operandi 

Based on the observations gathered by threat analysts, this month, the Royal ransomware used a new encryptor and its name in ransom notes to re

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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