Music Streaming Royalties To Be Examined by The UK Government


Since the early days of the music industry, musicians, writers, and other creatives have spoken out about the unfairness of royalty share payments. This is when their works are played on Spotify and Apple Music. There will be a discussion of these issues within the government after an investigation was conducted in 2019. 
To investigate suggestions that the music streaming industry is not remunerated fairly for artists, the government is investigating the streaming industry. Musicians and artists are worried that they are not receiving as much money as record labels when their tracks are played on streaming services like Spotify, as there are concerns that their tracks may be stolen. 
It is essential to provide high-quality metadata for a track in the era of digital music to ensure that the people who contributed to the creation of a track are accurately credited and compensated. This is the most effective way to ensure music makers are properly credited. The metadata for songwriters and their works, however, lacks precision and completeness. It is often out of date or incomplete, especially regarding specifics. In some cases, insufficient or incorrect metadata can cause a significant delay in creators’ payment for the use of their work. In some cases, no payment to the creators at all. 
There have recently been meetings brought together by experts from across the UK music indust

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